survival international
Fishermen of Amazonia
Between the dry grasslands of the cerrado savanna and the tropical forest of western Brazil lies the valley of the Juruena river, the homeland of the Enawene Nawe.
The Mato Grosso state government is building a series of hydroelectric dams upriver from the tribe’s land.
The dams threaten the Enawene Nawe’s forest home, the fish they eat and their sacred Yãkwa ritual. Preliminary April 2012 reports from the Enawene Nawe suggest that this year’s fish stocks may be as depleted as those in 2009.

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In the first light of dawn, Enawene Nawe men gather outside haiti: the house of sacred flutes.
They have recently returned from camps in the rainforest, in order to celebrate the most important fishing ceremony of the year: the Yãkwa banquet.
Words by Joanna Eede.
Picture © Fiona Watson/Survival International
Fishermen of Amazonia
Between the dry grasslands of the cerrado savanna and the tropical forest of western Brazil lies the valley of the Juruena river, the homeland of the Enawene Nawe.
The Mato Grosso state government is building a series of hydroelectric dams upriver from the tribe’s land.
The dams threaten the Enawene Nawe’s forest home, the fish they eat and their sacred Yãkwa ritual. Preliminary April 2012 reports from the Enawene Nawe suggest that this year’s fish stocks may be as depleted as those in 2009.
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In the first light of dawn, Enawene Nawe men gather outside haiti: the house of sacred flutes.
They have recently returned from camps in the rainforest, in order to celebrate the most important fishing ceremony of the year: the Yãkwa banquet.
Words by Joanna Eede.
Picture © Fiona Watson/Survival International
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